Dialogue and diplomacy are not the same thing. America and its allies need to take a hard look at what that means and change how they...
Passing up these agreements would squander Great Power relations dating to WWII and put friends and allies like Japan at risk from growing Chinese aggression.
US officials keep asking China for mil-to-mil communications. But the Chinese military knows, if you want to make Americans uncomfortable, don't talk to them.
After Antony Blinken's trip, the PRC just might smell confusion and think the US won't respond when Beijing calls its bluff, even if that assessment is...
The importance of Okinawa is about deterrence. Demonstrate you're a serious military with lots of partners and an enemy is less likely to try his luck...
The failure of the US Marine Corps to respond to recent crises is inexcusable. The Marines are supposed to be "most ready when the nation is...
Retired US Marine Colonel Grant Newsham takes on key questions about Japan's national defense: How far has it come, what needs improving, and why?
Newsham's provocative thesis spells out the dangers of America's unwillingness to confront China and offers reasons and opportunity to change course. Will it?
The Taiwan military has languished in isolation for 40 years. Increased interaction with US forces is a move in the right direction.
Chinese espionage has been so successful because the United States allowed it to fester. Spy balloons are just the tip of the iceberg.
Do you think we'd have heard about the Chinese spy balloon over the US (or over other countries) if a Montanan hadn't looked up and taken...
The more the US Marines and Japan Self-Defense Force are a "single force," the more effective they'll be in a fight and the more they will...