The G7 knows that a despotic state or terrorist group gaining the upper hand in the Middle East and Ukraine threatens deterrence and peace in the...
"The two-state solution, including the creation of a Palestinian state to live in peace with Israel, is the only way forward" — EU HRVP Josep Borrell
FM Yoko Kamikawa toured the Middle East and promised generous humanitarian aid. But what kind of peaceful solution is possible after the Gaza war?
Drawing parallels between the Israel-Hamas conflict and Ireland's troubled past, the author argues that terrorism is inexcusable no matter the circumstances.
"Right now, there are changes, the likes of which we haven't seen for 100 years, and let's drive these changes together"— CCP leader Xi to Russia's...
Sources reveal that the CCP could be supporting Hamas, making it believe that an attack on Israel was a viable option. But how does this benefit...
The Mideast peace process hopes to achieve a two-state solution whereby Israel and an independent Palestine would coexist.
There can be no justification for the atrocities committed by Hamas against Israel. We must at all costs prevent the warfare from spreading.
The IMEC corridor will secure regional supply chains, increase trade accessibility, and allow more emphasis on environmental and social issues, say members.
While there was romanticism and selective memory in the Hideaki Kase view of 1930s-1940s history, there were also solid chunks of reality not told by the...
The newspaper gave a new forum to the terrorist who carried out the Lod Massacre and killed 26 people (including 17 Christian pilgrims from Puerto Rico).
Team Japan had 338 athletes at the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Olympics, and the last time Tokyo hosted the Olympics in 1964 there were a total...