Children in Beppu interact with people with disabilities every day. They grow up accepting...
“It’s fashion, it’s changing. It’s clothing that makes sense, can be fun, has different...
All industries have been affected by COVID-19. This performance is very important within the...
At 18, Kimura competed in the 2008 Beijing Paralympics. He then won a total...
The harrowing experience haunts Sen Genshitsu to this day: “It was a terrible feeling...
“Judo has become a word that we don’t translate, we use it as...
“I'm driven by the thrill of taking on new challenges and discovering my hidden...
Yōkai 妖怪 are supernatural entities and spirits from Japanese folklore, with Saikyu they take...
China’s strategy is one of working towards annihilating the adversary with its flocks of...
Dr. Shigeru Omi, a high profile academic, should take care not to make baseless...
Foreign journalists reporting from Henan have been surrounded by angry mobs and even received...
Hope was offered that 60 percent of the population would be vaccinated by September...