Inu-Oh is the first Japanese animated film to be nominated since "Mirai" in 2019 in the Best Animated Feature category at the Golden Globe Awards.
Ryusuke Hamaguchi, director of the world-wide hit "Drive My Car" is ready to take on the Hollywood challenge if offered the chance.
It reflects the world’s newfound appreciation for the spiritual elements of Japanese films when lifestyles and values have greatly shifted with the pandemic.
After its Cannes, Bafta, and Golden Globe Awards, director Ryusuke Hamaguchi’s ‘Drive My Car’ strikes again, winning the best international feature at the Oscars.
Award-winning director Ryusuke Hamaguchi is celebrated again for his film based on Haruki Murakami’s short story by the same name.
The Japanese movie, based on a short novel by Haruki Murakami called Men Without Women (2014), is another film by award-winning director Ryusuke Hamaguchi.