Fans had predicted this, and it finally happened. The latest installment of the anime Kimetsu no Yaiba (Demon Slayer), the movie called Mugen Ressha (The Infinity...
Source: PR Times Donguri Kyowakoku is the source of all the coolest Studio Ghibli merchandise in Japan. They deal in anything from paperclip holders, to tea leaves to rain coats....
“Miyazaki and I… were first shown clips from Fantasia 2000, which was then in production. Asked what he thought of the film so far, Miyazaki...
The Japanese national broadcasting network NHK announced on June 3 that Earwig and The Witch, a new film made in collaboration with the popular animation production...
The film Mirai no Mirai by Mamoru Hosoda won in the independent feature category at the 46th Annie Awards in Los Angeles on Sunday,...
Since recognition of Japan Cool in 2009 by Douglas McGray, there has been a steep increase in the number of visitors to Japan. Most visitors...