From June 2: Film director Masaaki Miyazawa tells the story of the talented artist Shoko Kanazawa, who has Down syndrome and yet lives life on her...
Observing the first sunrise from the iconic Tokyo Tower, Kanazawa chooses "love" as the 2023 New Year kanji to overcome the pandemic and Ukraine war of...
Hosted by Seiron magazine, the special exhibition illustrates the political life of former PM Shinzo Abe. Showing at Tokyo Tower now through December 1.
"Shoko Kanazawa is the ideal candidate to take on this role as the Tokyo Tower tourism ambassador," — Shin Maeda, President of Tokyo Tower.
This Tokyo Tower Trek takes you on a walk through the surrounding area and includes a chance to grab some world-class ramen.
These colorful koinobori are a celebration of children and a tradition-filled, cheerful sign of the changing seasons. This year, enjoy the celebrations safely!
"There is something about luminosity that resonates with people. The glow of the lighthouse, the eternal flame. It could be a testimony for being alive or...
In alliance with the World Tower Federation of Great Towers, Tokyo Tower donned an Australian color theme Sunday night, January 26, as a show of support...
Visitors to Tokyo can find many luxury hotels in the Hibiya district, in the heart of the city, near the Imperial Palace and rich...
Video 1 | WATCH: Trains Bring You to Japan’s Famous Sites — at the SCMAGLEV and Railway Park Museum Video 2 | WATCH: Travel from...
Governor Yuriko Koike is set on her plans for a prosperous Tokyo leading up to and beyond the 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games. ...
It is something my wife and I look forward to: every morning we walk along the glimmering waterfront at the north end of Tokyo Bay and inspect...