The theme of the evening was “Harmonious Cacophony,” meaning that even in an aggregation...
The host nation earned three marathon medals, with Misato Michishita winning the women's T12...
Host Japan becomes the first Asian nation to medal in the sport after an...
Toshihiko Isao receives the 15th Award of the International Ukiyo-e Society for being the...
The Tokyo native adds to Beijing, London titles to solidify his place as one...
Raimundo Mendes secured the medal with a cracking result at just eight minutes to...
“I'm kind of at this point where I'm trying to figure out what I...
With COVID-19, Japan is now headed towards a set of measures most of the...
The Princess has also expressed her wishes to decline a lump-sum usually given by...
She is aiming for a medal in all three categories present at the Games:...
Eiko Kakehata and Norika Hagiwara combined for five goals in the opening half, providing...
Paralympians have prosthetics and wheelchairs, and most of us never thought about what happens...