Ah, February. A short month with long, dark nights and brief days consisting...
Ramen is rapidly becoming a global phenomenon. Even when JAPAN Forward visited the...
Recently there has been much debate on the pros and cons of accepting...
Situated in the lovely area of Shirokane, Tokyo, the Matsuoka Museum of Art...
Japan entered 2019 without having achieved any progress in bringing home Megumi Yokota...
Donald Keene, world-famous scholar and translator of Japanese literature of all eras, died...
The exhibition, “Kawanabe Kyosai: Nothing Escaped His Brush” is showing February 6, 2019, to March 31, 2019, at the Suntory...
A ceremony marking the 30th anniversary of Emperor Akihito’s accession to the Chrysanthemum Throne...
The stakes are high in this week's Hanoi summit meeting between United States...
United States President Donald Trump plans to meet with North Korean Chairman Kim...
Photo Source: © PR Times, Inc. Fighting sleep debt in Tokyo Whether it's...
The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) is advancing research on a hypersonic Mach...