Akita dogs are well known for their appearances in movies, comics, and on TV. Now a group in Akita City is on a mission to care...
There are now 206 confirmed deaths in the ongoing New Year earthquakes off the Noto Peninsula. We share updates on rescue and recovery operations.
Bears are changing their habits around humans as rural depopulation and climate change erase the borders between settlements and deep forests.
"More than ever we must work together with the international community to face today's challenges," said PM Kishida at the World War II remembrance ceremony.
In April, Akita Prefecture celebrated the spring chapter of the Omagari Fireworks Festival. Look forward to the even bigger summer event on August 26.
Akita dogs Umeko and Hakutake have been assisting their owner run a cozy liquor shop in one of the most beautiful towns in Japan.
Entrepreneurs came together at AKITA RISE to share plans for guesthouses, farming blue corn, and mother-run cooperatives aiming to revitalize rural communities.
This is a giant 3D digital pup appearing on the eight digital billboards operated by Hit Inc. in the bustling Shibuya Station area.
Tohoku was pinned on the global map by the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011, and now one festival celebrates their rebuilding, bringing together the traditions...
It’s being sold under the moniker of the ‘Michinoku Design’, where Michinoku is a former province of Japan that spanned the three modern-day prefectures of Aomori,...
As of January 11, 12 deaths were confirmed in Akita Prefecture alone, with several hundreds injured in different regions in Northern Japan.
Poor yield in tree nuts across the country drives hungry bears to venture into communities to look for food, encountering people and causing incidents. ...