Nestled among the treasures from ancient civilizations in a museum at the heart of one of the modern world’s biggest cities is a collection of...
The underlying theme of the Suntory Museum of Art’s collections is “Art in Life,” and those who visit the venue will be introduced to the...
I originally rented my SOHO (small office) to avoid three hours of daily commuting that was often extended by frequent delays on the Chuo...
Charles Richardson's Ghost One fine September afternoon in 1862, six years before the Meiji Restoration, a British trader named Charles Richardson rode...
What significance does the tenno or “emperor” have for Japan and the Japanese people? There is no easy answer to that question. Suffice it to...
(Part 5 of a Series on the Art of Kuniyoshi) Toshihiko Isao When discussing Kuniyoshi, warrior pictures first come to mind. This...
Cherry blossom viewing season—better known as hanami—has peaked in Tokyo and throughout much of Japan. Among all of the beautiful cherry blossoms, it is...
(Part 1 of a Series on the Art of Kuniyoshi) Toshihiko Isao, 82, is a painter and ukiyo-e scholar. Isao’s studio is chock full...