The Nikkei average has hit new highs and the Bank of Japan finds itself holding too many equities. The challenge now is to return these to...
Virtual idol Hatsune Miku's co-star Nakamura Shido II expects "mixed reactions" as they bring extended reality (XR) technology to Tokyo's bastion of tradition.
As Japanese automakers and telecom giants speed up plans to launch autonomous mobility services, the government is moving to create new rules to ensure safety.
"Our goal is to make agriculture an inspirational industry," explains NTT AgriTechnology Senior VP and COO Kobayashi about their new urban farming model.
While the NTT Law is outdated, there are concerns that abolishing the government's shareholding provision under it could lead to a takeover by foreign capital.
Such a move would require changing the NTT law. A new committee is weighing the pros, cons, and options, including implications for economic security.
NTT aims to build cutting-edge infrastructure for 6G technology that will enable high-speed, high-capacity communications with significantly reduced latency.
Critical infrastructure, including electricity and energy, is the backbone of the global economy. For all countries, cooperation on cybersecurity is essential.
The government and the private sector are investing in a new semiconductor company to regain Japan's lead in the global market.
Japan produced about half of next-generation chips in its semiconductor output into the 1980S, but its share of the market has been steadily declining since.
With emerging technologies and services, there may be a future where our alter egos in the metaverse can research on our behalf and send us the...
Since security issues preclude the use of Chinese technology, the Japanese government and private industry have doubled their efforts to grow the domestic technology sector.