In the first two weeks of the year, it’s customary to visit all seven gods at their shrines and scoop up as much luck as possible...
“I was blessed with excellent colleagues" ー Dr. James Heisig, on receiving the 2021 Kanazawa University International Award for his work on Japanese philosopher Kitaro Nishida.
Deep in the mountains of Wakayama prefecture, shrouded by a rolling sea of dark-hued cedar, lies a self-contained Buddhist mountain kingdom.
Yasaka Koshindo is a Koshin temple, a folk faith with links to Taoism, Buddhism, Shinto and others.
They tend to label India’s ruling party as a “government of religion.” However, the government only places value on its history and its indigenousness.
The Jizō statue’s mythology runs deep in Japan and travellers appreciate his protection.
YouTuber Yogetsu Akasaka who is based in Tokyo. The Japanese Zen Buddhist monk has released several digital-music-inspired installations of sutras and mantras.
Bookmark is a JAPAN Forward feature that gives you long reads for the weekend. Each edition introduces one overarching thought that branches off to a...
Bookmark is a JAPAN Forward feature that gives you long reads for the weekend. Each edition introduces one overarching thought that branches off to a...
Human rights in Asia, highlighted in the 2019 coverage of the treatment of Uighurs and democracy protests in Hong Kong, have been overwhelmed this year...
Many of Japan’s traditions and ideas are unfamiliar to those outside of Japan. Therefore, JAPAN Forward and Jinja Honcho have collaborated to bring readers an...
The enthronement ceremony, or Sokuirei-Seiden-no-Gi, for Japan’s Emperor Naruhito took place in Tokyo on October 22, leading up the climax of the rites of ascension to...