This Tokyo Game Show offers visitors their first chance to try exciting new platforms and upcoming releases, and includes more international brands than ever.
Explore the highlights of CP+ 2024, the largest domestic show in Japan featuring cameras, photography, and imaging equipment and the latest industry trends.
Researchers have found that augmented reality can manipulate weight perception, offering the potential to enhance AR gameplay for a more immersive experience.
Sony Group unveiled its business strategy under a new management structure, charting a course toward regrowth to continue spreading wonder through innovation.
The government and the private sector are investing in a new semiconductor company to regain Japan's lead in the global market.
A Sony-Honda venture is developing software-focused luxury EVs, including metaverse connection, automation, and increased personalization.
Gamers around the world had been happy with the PlayStation 5 showcase and blockbuster Gran Turismo 7 ー until a mandatory patch on March 17.
The Los Angeles Angels star is the first Asian athlete to be chosen to grace the cover of a video game for North America’s four major...
Developers seem to have regained the trust of gamers, and the reward is an incredible lineup for the New Year coming from Japan.
Invigorate your New Year with a look at some of the possibilities in 2022 that could rock our world in energy, finance, the pandemic, economics and...
The Occupation brainwashed us through the “War Guilt Information Program.” Now, the Japanese should feel ashamed when the world regards us as a “dependency” of the...
Make sure to book your purchase ahead of time so as not to miss out on this great opportunity!