Now in theaters, the new film tells the story of the town sickened by...
Men's coach Julio Lamas left his post after the Tokyo Olympics, and Tom Hovasse,...
There are two critical misperceptions: that Japan transitioned from dictatorship to U.S.-gifted democracy, and...
In a beautifully shot film now showing in Japan, photographer-cum-director Bon Ishikawa whisks us...
They’re growing fast and about to receive names. These adorable twin giant panda cubs...
The 103 works in the British Museum exhibition give new insight into the years...
The public can watch a livestream on the official TGS YouTube channel, while the...
A healthy debate is needed to set back on track what Asahi Shimbun ruined...
“The story is developing faster than we thought,” said Yuuji Iwasaki, the 11th...
On any normal day, a cacophony of sounds dominates the shop. But on this...
The spirited tea master in fact has a history of trying new ideas and...
Sea trials of the IAC-1 carrier signal India’s determination to join other regional partners...