Twenty years have passed since the birth of the portable virtual character game...
Approximately 300 articles in the Chinese studies journal China Quarterly, which the Cambridge...
On August 15th, the 72nd anniversary of the end of the war, former...
The Radio representative Kazuhiro Araki (left) is talking to the microphone while Tatsuru Murao...
(Last of 3 Parts) Part 1: 3 Ways the US, Japan, Should...
Helmand Province, Afghanistan. (cr. Michael Yon) President Donald Trump thinks he can solve...
(2nd of 3 Parts) Part 1: 3 Ways the US, Japan, Should...
A herd of elephants cross a road in the northeastern state of Assam, India,...
Megumi(center) and her little brothers before she was abducted Hello, Megumi. Here...
Yoko Mada (“Random Yoko”), a Japanese YouTuber widely popular with viewers both inside...
On August 17, the final “big class” competition for the 10th All-Japan High...
(1st of 3 Parts) As China continues with its policy of expansionism...