Princess Kako celebrated by taking on Imperial Family duties previously carried out by her sister Mako, who lost her noble status after marrying commoner Kei Komuro...
We hope that the Imperial Household Agency will reflect on whether or not it provided Princess Mako with adequate support.
Today, there is something I want to say to everyone. Kei is indispensable to me. And for us, marriage is a necessary choice.
Despite numerous challenges, Japan’s beloved Princess Mako weds her college sweetheart in a simple ceremony to register their marriage on Tuesday morning, October 26.
Japan’s Princess Mako became Ms Mako Komuro when she married her college sweetheart Kei Komuro in a private civil ceremony in Tokyo on the morning of...
The marriage of an imperial princess is being handled so contrary to tradition. The decision is said to take into account concerns over unexplained financial troubles...
Experts say that even after marriage, Princess Mako should continue to be a quasi-public member of the Imperial Family, and proposals are being considered as to...
The majority of the Japanese people wish Princess Mako happiness, but would like an explanation, including the Komuro family’s financial troubles, before she leaves the Imperial...
The Princess has also expressed her wishes to decline a lump-sum usually given by the state to imperial family members upon their departure from the royal...
~‘If the couple truly feel they want to marry, then I believe as parents we must respect their decision’~ At a news conference held...
On November 13, Princess Mako, the eldest daughter of Crown Prince Akishino and Princess Kiko, released a statement through the Imperial Household Agency reaffirming her...
Prince Akishino, the younger brother of Japan’s Crown Prince Naruhito, celebrated his 53rd birthday on Friday, November 30. About a week before his birthday,...