Fujimoto emphasizes that a city cannot solely become a destination for outside visitors to...
Coronavirus stories tracker with JAPAN Forward
Approval for the Suga Cabinet dropped nearly 10 points to 43%, while 69.5% of...
“Japan is unique in that it needs constant healing, which is why music,...
Have you ever been intrigued by Japanese toilets with their hands-free comforts? They may...
“If we manage to set up a system where everyone can go and get...
Dr. Toru Kakuta, a key person in Tokyo’s vaccine rollout and deputy head of...
“With the long-standing effects of pandemic, the determining factor in recovery will become the...
Japan has called for “experts-led investigations that are free of surveillance” and U.S....
COVID-19 has shown us pandemics are a national security issue. A new system with...
Entering Japan during COVID-19 means the frustration of extra hoops and hurdles, but despite...
Cooperation at all levels, local, national and from the vaccine suppliers, is urgently needed...
The firm, sweet flesh of the peaches popular with tourists who come to Fuefuki...