China's historical revisionism is a threat, but so is the lack of higher educational institutions that would encourage Okinawa youth to stay in the islands.
China hopes to block recognition of Japan’s extended continental shelf near Minamitorishima, interfering with development of seabed natural resources there.
A recently leaked draft pact between the strategically situated Solomon Islands and China reads as if the Pacific island nation were ceding its sovereignty.
Whatever comes up next, with the PRC it won’t stop at Taiwan. Will Japan and the United States show their resolve by standing up to China?
Talks and incursions seem to go hand-in-hand in the Chinese playbook. A look at how the Xi Jinping administration appears set to continue on its belligerent...
The national government and Okinawa Prefecture refuse to discuss the possibility of using Shimojishima Airport for fighter jets, preventing a stronger defense against China’s aggression.
As China expands its military activities, Japan and the U.S., while maintaining vigilance, must engage more directly with and involve Taiwan in the region’s defense.
This happens as Chinese companies aggressively seek inroads in Pacific Island nations in the areas of cable and cell phone operations and port facilities.
Former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and others paved the way to help Taiwan fight a surge of COVID-19 cases when President Tsai Ing-wen said they couldn't...
To recall, Taiwan was the first to report the detection of “a virus similar to SARS” in the Wuhan area, but because of China’s influence, the...
It is strange that while the Secretariat speaks of the rights of member nations, the only member nation it appears to listen to is China.
Many Russians share the concern of Westerners over the continued detention of Putin critic Alexei Navalny. He is one of the very few politicians capable of...