Studio MAPPA’s Yuichiro Hayashi took over as director of Attack on Titan from...
Russia, like China, flagrantly violates international law by taking the territory of other countries....
“There is a direct link between drylands and Japanese kitchens, where imported wheat and...
"The story deals with problems that every country and every person might be involved...
Ichiro played a pivotal role in the Seattle Mariners' come-from-behind victory in his first...
This CCP marginalized and subjugated China’s ethnic minorities by rewriting history, providing the basis...
For those who want to extend their cherry blossom season, sakura season in Hokkaido...
U.S. cooperation and pressure from international society are essential to force North Korea to...
“After corona, we have entered a period where the role of architecture must consider...
The two-time Olympic champion was brilliant in the short program, but fell short of...
From swordmaking to modern knives, Japanese pottery, wooden chests, paper making, and more —...
Ten years and about 750 articles later, here’s why the Kodomo Shimbun recently...