~Mishima’s “coup d'état” left a tremendous impact on the Japanese people~ 50...
Local organizers have unveiled plans for how they'll tackle the COVID-19 pandemic during...
Asteroid probe Hayabusa2’s six year long mission to the asteroid Ryugu and back...
Bookmark is a JAPAN Forward feature that gives you long reads for the...
~~ ~How does Japan cope? By avoiding the 3CsーClosed spaces, Crowded places...
~Who bought land near significant national security sites - and why? Shouldn’t the...
~Japanese classical literature and folklore are full of mysterious stories that have often...
~Mitsuri Kanroji is a swordsman in Demon Slayer. Kanroji Temple in Wakayama Prefecture...
~Life-size Moving Gundam the Space Robot Comes To Yokohama’s Yamashita Pier~ A...
The news circulated like wildfire on December 2 when it was announced that the...
~‘If the couple truly feel they want to marry, then I believe as...
~The RCEP shows progress in trade liberalization but should not be overrated.~ ...